Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beach to Bay Relay Marathon

   This weekend I completed my very first relay race.  The race is 26.2 miles long, requires a team of 6 runners and takes place in Corpus Christi, Texas.  I had heard about this race before I became a runner, and after I started running a friend mentioned the race to me, and it was all I could think about.  I wanted to do this race, I knew it would be a test of my endurance and strength, and would test my will.  I managed to get myself and a friend onto a team, and kept running and working toward this day.  The day finally arrived.  I was excited and nervous, stomach tied in knots, knowing that this was something I had been so looking forward to and had a team counting on me, as well as counting on myself to do well.

    The day was hot, 90 degrees hot, and humid as the race took place on the coast.  My leg was 4.69 miles long and would go through the Naval base in Corpus.  This was the leg I had wanted to do because I wanted to honer my dad and my nephew.  I stood at the hand-off spot, waiting for Johnson to arrive with the baton, watching and listening and waiting, and finally heard our team number announced as Johnson had been spotted and was approaching.  I got up to the line, looking out for her and saw her purple singlet, matching mine, approaching down the road.  I ran out to meet her, took the baton from her and handed her a bottle of water I had for her, turned around and headed down the road on the first part of my leg.  I ran as far as I could, walked when I needed to, and decided I would do my absolute best in the heat with a distance I haven't done very often and wanted to do as quickly as I could.

     The Naval base was flat, unshaded, and hot as blazes, but I was filled with the knowledge that I was finally here and achieving a dream I didn't know I would have a year ago.  The servicemen lining the route and the volunteers at the water stops and the families who sat on the side of the road and the people who squirted us with water hoses to help us cool down went a long way in encouraging us along, giving us even more support as we traipsed down the road toward our goal, and eventually to our fellow team member who would take our baton and keep up the race.  I actually passed people up, people not as big as me, people who looked like they had more business being there than I did, and at one point a woman came up behind me, saying she couldn't do it, she couldn't finish, and we were only about halfway through.  I don't know what happened to her, but I hoped she recovered and finished her leg.

     I finished my leg in under an hour and fifteen minutes.  I saw the hand-off location ahead of me, saw my runner, and gauged how far I could run to make it to her.  I took off, ran to her and handed off the baton, then headed to the shuttle.  I was talking and laughing with the people in the seats around me, all of us happy to be done and heading to cars, a/c and the finish.  Part of me wanted to burst into tears with relief, joy, happiness, pride, whatever you want to call it because I was just so thrilled I accomplished this goal, but I don't think I had enough fluid in my body at that time!  I was also thrilled that we were not the last team.  I made it to the parking lot, and hubby drove us to the finish line to meet up with the team.  Hubby went back to the hotel while I joined up the rest of the team, and we waited for our last runner to arrive.  A couple of us went up the sidewalk to look for her, and we eventually saw her running toward us.  Johnson, one of the runners, took off to find something with electrolytes, and I joined Lali, the last runner, in bring home the baton.  I ran in behind her, just because I wanted to show her my support.  We came across the finish, got our finishers medals, took pictures, celebrated, and went to our respective hotels to nap, shower, cool down, etc.

     The next day, I was in the elevator with a woman who asked me if I had done Beach to Bay, and it really made me feel good that someone could look at me and NOT think that I could possibly be a runner.  And someone referred to me as an "athlete", something I never thought I would ever be called.

     This was an amazing experience, and I am already making plans for next year.  I so appreciate my husband for helping out with transportation, and his never ending support, and believing in me.  I also appreciate the team, and especially my friend Shanon who at first wasn't sure if she could do the race due to an injury, but managed to pull through and did great!

I will be training for the half marathon now, which will take place in November.  I know I can do the distance, because I am, after all, a determined runner.

That's all for now, gotta run!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lesson learned

So, I did a run yesterday, and I didn't carb up the night before, and boy did I feel it.  I didn't have much energy, was only able to run so far, then I had to stop and walk it.  I walked more of that run than I had in recent months, I just couldn't get moving.  There was a tube chute right in the middle of the race, which was nice because it broke things up a little bit, but I felt like I moved slower on the way back because now I was wet and my clothes were carrying water.  I had fun doing that race, but I really need to take my carbing-up into consideration.  I won't make that mistake again! 

My friend was with me for this run, and she has been running with an injured ankle.  She started off ahead of me, I managed to get caught up, but in the end she stayed ahead of me and came in a few minutes before I did.  I'm very proud of her, and happy that she's doing so well, but just could not get my ass moving.  I have a couple of days this week to get my running in before Beach to Bay on Sunday, so I'll do the best I can and keep on running.  Soon after Beach to Bay, I start training for the Rock and Roll half marathon, and then I'll be doing longer runs and hopefully will get better at this.  On May 27th, I may do the American Hero's 5K, June 2nd I have the Women's Lavender Run, and not much scheduled after that, so it's time to search around and look for stuff to do.  I have to keep running, keep moving and not slow down.  I am determined to do this, and not stop!

That's all for now.  Until next time....gotta run!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I should be running...

It's so weird...I know I need a rest day, so today I did weight training instead of going for a run.  Granted, I could have gone for a run this evening, but I needed to come home and work on a baking project for work.  Sometimes I enjoy a quiet evening at home, but I still get that urge...I should be running.  I get the urge to run in the middle of the day.  I can go for a run, then see people running and think "Damn...I should be running."

I went for a run last night with a friend.  I truly need to work on my speed and distance...need to work on being able to run for longer distances.  I know this will come with practice, but I try not to get discouraged when I think about how long I've been doing this yet I don't seem to be improving.  Still, I keep on trying, keep signing up for events, and keep practicing.  I'm looking at a half marathon in 6 months...will I be ready?  I know I can do the distance, it's a matter of being able to run part of it.  13.1 miles, on my feet.  More than I've ever done before.  Can I do it?  Of course I am.  I am, after all, a determined runner.

Until next time...gotta run!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Yep.  The title says it all.  I'm a "fat" girl, and I'm a runner.  I've done runs amid cheers and jeers of the crowd, people I've never met cheering just because a bunch of crazy people decide they want to go out and run, and I am amongst them.  Then there are the jerks who sit in the crowd and yell "Run fat girl run".  Ok, so I'm out here running, and you're doing what?  Oh, sitting?  Ok...I'll just keep on running then.

What makes me a "fat girl" you ask?  Well, I have a big, wobbly ass.  My stats are as follows:  41 years old.  5'8" tall.  Roughly 225 pounds give or take any given day.  I have big boobs, small waist, and big ass.  What else do I have?  I have a runner's heart, and determination, and lots of spirit.  I know I can do anything I put my mind to.  I throw on my running shoes and go for a run almost every day, and I own every single run I do.  It's all me, no one can do this for me.  I totally lose myself in my runs, and it is wonderful.

To date, I have done over 20 5K races, 1 5 mile run, 1 5K Obstacle course run, and am gearing up to do the Beach to Bay Relay in Corpus Christi in 2 weeks, and will soon start training for a half marathon.  I have other races scheduled in May and June, and a Zombie obstacle course run in December.  I will continue to sign up for races and run and run and run.

TO be clear, when I say I  "run", I don't run the entire time.  I run when I can, walk when I need to, but I always finish.  Oh yes, and I have gained so much self confidence since I started this new found passion, and I am loving life.

Until next time...gotta run!